SOB! |
I know..........
My heart sank when I turned around to see my beloved plate fall to the ground and shatter.
I had stupidly stuck the plate on the wall with an adhesive hook (dam you sticky hook!)
The packet destruction's said it would hold and I wanted to respect my husbands sensitivity to yet another hole in our walls!
Husband was sympathetic and suggested I glue it back together, no one would know!
I would know, I can't do that I said...so off the eBay to look for another.
This is what arrived, advertised as a plate but it's a bowl?
With extensive crazing, not noted in the description.
Yet again my heart sank,
my plate vanity was getting the best of me.
Are you a crazing snob? Do you see it as a fault and reconsider any purchase, for that reason?
I was taught at Uni that crazing is a glaze fault, so it pitting. Any work I created, that had theses faults were considered seconds and were relegated to the garden as ornaments.
I had a sincere correspondence with the eBay seller, about her description, of lack off etc but cost wise it wasn't possible to return the bowl...I was already out of pocket.
As time has passed I have come to love my bowl for all her faults and mine!
Every saga has a happy ending.....I came home last night from teaching TAFE and my heart leapt!
Isn't see a beauty?
With a nail in the wall, she has pride of place in the kitchen!
All 24cm of her!